Through this letter, the Distance Learning Directorate would like to (a) provide an explanation regarding the various SCREEN maintenance activities that have been carried out; and (b) there is a plan to update the SCREEN software in the 2022/2023 Intermediate Semester. The date and time for the renewal is still in the process of being determined, but it will definitely not be during the exam week in the semester between.
In the attachment, we describe the various maintenance steps that have been carried out, especially since changed to in the Odd semester 2019/2020. The increase in SCREEN usage during the pandemic has encouraged us to carry out system updates, add features, add memory, increase storage capacity, change configurations, troubleshoot for unexpected behavior, and increase security. These efforts were carried out with the aim of meeting the various learning needs of the YARSI University academic community, and ensuring smoothness and security when the SCREEN is used by 2000 users simultaneously, including during exam weeks.
In the Even semester 2022/2023, there will be five SCREEN maintenance activities, three of which occur during exam week and are related to storage capacity: database and files. During UTS week, the database storage capacity is full. Meanwhile, during UAS week, file storage capacity is full. During UAS week, we made two improvements. In the first repair, we deleted 2 TB of backup data, which turned out to be full again in just three days. This was unexpected because previously it took around three years for YARSI University academics to produce 2 TB of data. In the second improvement, we added storage capacity.
In order to avoid service disruptions due to running out of storage space capacity in the future, we have coordinated with OPTIMA ITT and the PCMAN vendor to activate the notification feature (alert) regarding both storage space and the archive (passive storage) feature. The notification feature will allow us to receive automatic news when storage space is at critical status; Enabling this feature is being worked on by the vendor. Notifications will be automatically sent to us, OPTIMA ITT, and PCMAN. The archive feature allows you to save on storage space; Verbal coordination has been carried out with the relevant parties and we are currently completing administrative requirements.
We hope that through this letter, the YARSI University academic community can see various maintenance activities as part of our efforts to optimize SCREEN to meet the needs and data security of its users. We also want to appreciate various problem reports and articulations of expectations towards us and LAYAR, which contribute positively to improving services. If there are things that need clarification or want to be conveyed, please send a letter directly to DPJJ or call +62-811-1213-8989. Thank you for your attention, patience and trust in us.