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Nominations for Odd Courses 2021/2022

Nominations for Odd Courses 2021/2022

by Admin Andreas -
Number of replies: 0

Assalamualaikum, cool friends of YARSI students!
Hope you stay healthy and enthusiastic during LfH during this pandemic!

Have you ever felt that a lecture really connected with you? Or got a lecturer who was really caring and encouraged you to study? Do you want to give more appreciation to that lecturer?

We need your help to nominate one cool course that you are taking this semester (Odd Semester 2021/2022) ! Nominations can be written through a survey on LAYAR (§ion=1) before December 5, 2021,

We will conduct further studies based on your nominations and announce them later! Hopefully the best lecturers you nominate will inspire improvements in the quality of learning at YARSI University! Come on, let's enliven this activity!

Attachment 346.DPJJ.PP.20.07.XI.2021 - Poster Nominasi Mata Kuliah Terbaik Universitas YARSI - Semester Ganjil 20212022-small.png
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